Monday, September 27, 2010

Family Foodways

my family may not have affected how I pick the food I eat as much as other people, because it is always been my personal motto to eat what you want or do not eat at all. I often put this belief of mine into effect as a young child because no matter the situation I would always eat what I wanted to or choose not eat that all. This habit has carried on into how I am today. Although on the other hand my younger brother was not as lucky as me; or maybe just not as stubborn, nonetheless he was limited throughout his life when it came to trying different foods. My stepfather's father was raised in a different generation his background being more rural he came from a time period with much more strict and traditional rules. His family I imagine being one that lived on a farm, ate some of the farm animals, my stepfather due to seeing how these animals were prepared became a person who has, as an adult does not eat pork. Also someone who doesn't eat that much of any other farm animals. This rule of his also trickle down to my younger brother which caused him to miss out on some of the simple but exciting things in life. My mother's father on the other hand was raised to eat those same foods and also was trained to clean his plate completely at every meal. This ideology gave my mother a traumatizing blow as a young child because one year when she went to visit her relatives in the southern states. She was introduced to unpasteurized cow milk which to someone who wrote that the city is not always a very tasteful experience, but due to the ideology my grandfather was raised under my mother's relative forced her to drink the milk. The taste was so disgusting that she developed the urge to vomit but was forced to finish the cup before stepping out to vomit. I don't quite understand how every generation's ideology about food came into being. I just hope to keep my position on the outside of the norm created by the foodways in America.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Personally for me, when I think of food nothing specific really pops up. I think it is that way because I usually don't have much of an appetite for anything in specific. I have always been a picky eater, this is most likely so because I was spoiled as a small child also partly because since I was a small child I've always had the spirit and determination to not eat anything if I wasn't given what I wanted. This in turn caused me to mature continuously into the picky eater that I am to this day. I will not eat a hamburger. Never a Subway sandwich nor any cold food in general dessert aside.
The green market was different for me because I'm not a big fruits and vegetables eater; I mostly like cooked or grilled foods much closer to what we saw in the fast food restaurant rather than the green market at Union Square. All those healthy foods were nice thought but not really what I'm planning on eating for dinner. Some of the key differences I noticed from fast food restaurants green market were that in a fast food restaurant people lined up to choose from pictures of the food available that were displayed in the store. And the green market on the contrary displayed the actual food they were attempting to sell. that illustrates to me that the green market is much more honest about the product and selling then the fast food restaurant. this also makes me think twice about what the best restaurant is offering me to eat.